Happy Birthday Logan!! We can't believe that you are one years old. Where did it go? Logan has been such a joy in our family, he is so sweet and good natured. Having 3 older brothers you need to be able to "roll" with it. The 4th child gets loved a lot, sometimes a little too much. Parker would take him out of his crib in the morning because he didn't want him to cry. Sam and Logan share morning milk together. It reminds me of Parker and Dylan they had their morning milk together too. One had the sippy one had the bottle. I was starting to get worried that Logan wouldn't have any teeth but finally at 11 1/2 months his bottom two teeth popped up. They still aren't fully in but at least you can see them. He is not walking by himself yet and were in no hurry. He does pulls himself up and walks around furniture or he pushes chairs and his baby walker around. Also, he has done the army crawl forever and the boys and I got down on our hands and knees to show him how to crawl on his knees. So he just started this month crawling on his knees.
Dude, I can't believe he is a year already! What a cutie. He is so lucky to have those older bros. Come visit if you need a newborn fix!
Happy Birthday Logan! He is such a doll. Give him hugs and kisses for me.
Aw, the joys of being the baby in the fam! Seems not to long ago we were at the lakehouse with that sweet baby and I was ready to pop! I'm not ready for K to turn 1!
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