Thursday, August 20, 2009

Dylan is 5!

Dylan is 5 and he is so excited! He is going into Kindergarten to Mr. Matt's class. Parker is excited to show him around Channing Hall and pick him up from class for car pool. Dylan is really excited to be 5 because he can now play the big kid sports. No more itty-bitty, he gets the real deal now. He is currently playing soccer and is signed up for flag football in the Fall.
Dylan loves to be with his Dad fishing, but he really likes it when just the two of them go for a bike ride. Dylan is great at riding his bike. This past spring we took off his training wheels and that same day he was jumping the curb. He still likes puzzles and coloring and he is into Pokemon cards thanks to his older brother.

Dylan is Mr. Independant. He is content doing his own thing like play Nintendo or Wii all day. He was born to be a gamer.
This is Dylan's baby photo and I think Logan looks like him. Dylan is so sweet even though he gets picked on by his older brother Parker and his younger brother Sam. Dylan has that lady killer smile and sweet baby blues, he can get away with most anything.
Dylan you are so precious. Happy Birthday! WE LOVE YOU!


Deborah said...

Happy happy birthday to our dear Dylan. He is such a precious boy, he melts my heart. Love you Dylan!

Deborah said...

Happy happy birthday to our dear Dylan. He is such a precious boy, he melts my heart. Love you Dylan!

DaNae said...

Logan does look a ton like him. Happy birthday d man.