Logan's first Christmas and he slept through most of the present opening. We gave his presents to the boys to open. Don't you want to pinch his cheeks he's so dang cute. My Christmas baby!

Logan's first Christmas and he slept through most of the present opening. We gave his presents to the boys to open. Don't you want to pinch his cheeks he's so dang cute. My Christmas baby!
Posted by Dianna at 11:34 PM 4 comments
Labels: Christmas 2009
Not sure where November went I realized a week into December that I haven't updated since Halloween. So, I am going to do a recap of what happened in November because it is now time for Christmas. I did a couple photo shoots of Logan. He is so sweet to take photos. He is laughing more and gets distracted by the boys when nursing. Wants to know what is going on. He likes to sleep with his hand by his face. He has discovered that his hands taste great and sucks on them all the time. I have stopped swaddling for this reason.
Posted by Dianna at 12:37 PM 3 comments
Transformers...robots in disguise. Autobots vs. Decepticons Who will win?
Posted by Dianna at 1:56 PM 4 comments
Sam is the funniest at night. He now lets Logan be in "his" crib and he is sleeping in his toddler bed. He now has freedom at night to get out and fall asleep wherever. I have found him behind the rocker or his latest is pulling down the changing pad and sleeping on it. It's like hide n' seek everynight when we go in and check on him. The boys like to put their fit in the pocket underneath th pillow to use as blankets.
Posted by Dianna at 11:48 AM 2 comments
I thought I would go Have Logan's blessing photos done and get a super cute one to hang on the wall with his brothers blessing pictures. Well I didn't like any of them so we raced home and I did my own photo shoot. I have a nice camera I can do it, but it is harder doing it solo. Once I pose him and get the camera he's rolled. I do need a sleeping angel picture. He likes to show off he baby blues in the pictures. The first one might be the one for the wall
Posted by Dianna at 10:09 AM 3 comments
Labels: Logan
Photo shoot time this session actually turned out cute. I fed him and waited till he fell asleep. I'm slowly getting up to DaNae's level of photos. But I did think these turned out cute. He is getting too big too fast. He's 3 months old now and I have had to put away some outfits. I think our wear time isn't long after wearing some of the same outfits as 3 older brothers. They've been washed 1 too many times. He is my sweet angel boy!! He was meant to be in our family.
Posted by Dianna at 9:28 AM 5 comments
Labels: Logan
Do you think he's had enough ninnie-pie? I went to Motherhood to buy a new nursing bra and FYI the smallest size is 34B. What about those smaller women? Maybe they think a couple extra nursing pads will fill it up. I had the girl measure me so I could have the right size. Since, according to Oprah the majority of women wear the wrong bra size. Well she forwarned me she was new, she took my measurements then couldn't find the quick conversion chart so she called her boss. The boss said according to the measurments I was a 34D. I chuckled and said I would never fill a D cup, even when my milk first came in and I was engorged I couldn't fill a D cup. I walked out with a 34 B and went to Target for nursing pads!! I like nursing 90% of the time. Let's be Honest that first month is a rough one. With Parker they didn't have cute nursing covers or even ugly ones for that matter. You just used a receiving blanket. I remember Parker and I were both under the blanket trying to figure it out. It was comical and now after 4 babies I can nurse, cook dinner, and talk on the phone all at the same time. It is rough at first every 2 1/2 hours it seems that's all you do at first is nurse. I just get dressed, eat and it's time again. Since it seems all I do is nurse the first 2 months I have finished 3 books. I like to nurse and read at the same time. It is also my excuse to get away for a few minutes or out of dinner clean-up.
Posted by Dianna at 3:59 PM 4 comments
Labels: Logan
Dressed in white and looking like an angel was Logan. Gordon gave him his name and blessing and he did a great job. The circle was small this time since only David and Grandpa Davenport were in Utah. We've been spoiled with the other 3 boys having all their aunts and uncles close by. Gordon was nervous but he gave a beautiful blessing and he bore his testimony also.
Posted by Dianna at 10:39 AM 4 comments
Labels: Logan
Sam made it to his 2nd Birthday, barely. He always has bumps and bruises and his most traumatic just three weeks ago. We bought him a helmet (a little late we know). We thought we would get him a Spiderman scooter to go with his helmet. I think we'll only take it off in the car and at bedtime. With all the accidents he is still a sweet happy well-mannered boy. We did cupcakes for him. It's sad by the time his birthday comes we are caked out from the other 2 August birthdays.
Posted by Dianna at 5:46 PM 4 comments